Covid, Sudafrica: oltre 40 mila i morti da inizio pandemia

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epa08957259 A man sits on a sculpture overlooking the closed international Blue Flagged Camps Bay beach in Cape Town, South Africa, 21 January 2021. The Tourism Business Council of South Africa has said the closure of beaches has had a devastating impact on the tourism industry. South Africa's world renown and pristine beaches, many of them on the international Blue Flag list meeting high environmental and quality standards, are closed in most parts of the country due to governments lockdown laws. South Africa's Covid-19 surge due to the spread of the new more contagious variant of the coronavirus 501.V2 has resulted in more severe lockdown measures including the closure of beaches. South Africa is in the midst of its peak tourism season with the beaches a major international attraction. Travel bans and closed beaches are crippling the already struggling industry according to experts. EPA/NIC BOTHMA ATTENTION: This Image is part of a PHOTO SET

Preoccupa la variante locale del coronavirus

Ha superato quota 40 mila il numero dei decessi legati al Covid-19 registrati ufficialmente nel Sudafrica, secondo i dati dell’università americana Johns Hopkins. Il Paese africano da 55 milioni di abitanti ha contato finora oltre 1,39 milioni di casi di contagio, di cui 1,2 milioni guariti.

Ieri il ministro della Sanità britannico, Matt Hancock, ha evocato il timore che la variante sudafricana del nuovo coronavirus possa rivelare maggiore resistenza ai vaccini esistenti fino “al 50%” rispetto al ceppo originario dell’infezione. (ANSA).


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