Covid: in Germania oltre 1.100 morti in 24 ore

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A woman walks next to a sign informing customers to wear face masks as she passes by a closed Christmas Market stall at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin, Germany, 16 November 2020. Effective from 02 November, Germany is on nationwide restrictions to prevent a further explosion in the number of corona infections, such as closing bars and restaurants for a month. ANSA/FILIP SINGER

Per la prima volta sopra i mille

Impressionante aumento delle vittime in Germania a causa del Covid. Per la prima volta i decessi in 24 ore hanno superato i mille.

Lo hanno reso noto stamane le autorità sanitarie dell’istituto Robert Koch. In particolare si contano 1.129 nuovi morti. La settimana scorsa era stato raggiunto l’ultimo record di 962 morti. Oltre 32mila le vittime complessive.


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